About Us

This is a Platform to promote and introduce sales items from our company that sell daily and basic products (Personal & Home) such as care products, health, beauty, fragrances, clothing, home appliances & others.




Ini adalah Platform untuk mempromosikan dan memperkenalkan barang jualan dari syarikat kami yang menjual produk asas dan harian (Peribadi & Rumah) seperti produk penjagaan, kesihatan, kecantikan, wangian, pakaian, peralatan rumah & lain-lain.

Our Story

We D'SnS are a small start-up company and strive to grow our business through the best products on the market through online sales.

Our Mission

☆☆☆ Beauty, Health, Elegance, Miracles ☆☆☆

Inspired for the greatest Women in the World

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